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Trevor asked in SportsMartial Arts · 1 month ago

Eye gouging ?

Is eye gouging dangerous?

Pushing eyelids and eyes

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    4 weeks ago

    Eye gouging is not pushing the eyelids in and eye ball, Its popping the eye out of its socket.

    And yes it is.

  • 4 weeks ago

    Dangerous yet overrated. Gerard Gordeaux eye gouged Yuki Nakai so hard in an MMA bout that Yuki lost his sight in one eye, but Yuki still won the fight by submission. It’s a dangerous move but by no means a guaranteed fight ender like some people think.

    It’s also important to think about ramifications for self defense. People like to think that “in a street fight there are no rules.” First off, there are. They’re called laws. If somebody picks a fight with you and you eye gouge them, consider the legal ramifications if you wind up in court and have to prove that you even had to “defend yourself” by fighting rather than simply diffusing the situation or attempting to walk away from it, and also consider that you may be escalating the level of force beyond a normal fight which is also illegal - similar to pulling out a knife in a fist fight.

    Source(s): The Caged Dojo
  • 1 month ago

    Yes, eye gouging is dangerous.

  • Anonymous
    1 month ago

    No, it's more of a slight irritant than anything. It's not going to blind them. 

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