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Jelena asked in SportsMartial Arts · 2 weeks ago

With YouTube these days, that teaches you just about everything, will dojos go out of business?


You want to know how to defend yourself against, say a chock hold, YouTube will give you minimum 5 different ways to do it. You want to learn to do, say a roundhouse kick, punch, block, etc, YouTube has tutorials on that. Want to learn how to defend against a knife attack, YouTube has tutorials on that. Want to learn how to deal with weapons, there are tutorials on that. All you need to do is find a partner to practice and spar with. With YouTube and the internet, will dojo's become obsolete? 

4 Answers

  • 2 weeks ago

    They are already going out of business but they will come back. There’s just no way for online learning to beat in person learning.

  • Anonymous
    2 weeks ago

    Have you tried to do surgery from youtube yet. its the same thing as teaching yourself how to fight from youtube.

    The only thing that happens when you are self taught is you become so riddled with mistakes that you become unteachable. 

  • Anonymous
    2 weeks ago

    It is abt as useful as getting medical advice on Y/A

  • ?
    Lv 5
    2 weeks ago

    yes but not right away ,,,give it some time...within 10 years we will have a red pill it will take u down the rabbit hole and u will end up with alice in wonderland

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