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Anonymous asked in Science & MathematicsZoology · 1 month ago

Are pelicans, pigeons, seagulls and pheasants dinosaurs ?

Technically they evolved from dinosaurs didn't they ?

10 Answers

  • 1 month ago
    Favourite answer

    All birds are theropod dinosaurs. They evolved in the Jursassic, so there were birds at the same time that other kinds of dinosaurs still existed.  Two lineages of birds survived the K-Pg extinction event.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 month ago

    Citing Alan Feduccia is what is known as cherry picking. There are many palaeontologists with opposing views. You need to look at the preponderance of the evidence and not choose one person whose opinion matches your own.

  • Anonymous
    1 month ago

    They are called birds. 


    Dinosaurs are long ago extinct.

  • 1 month ago

    Yes, they are dinosaurs.  In the case of pheasants they're actually pretty similar to their Mesozoic ancestors.

  • garry
    Lv 6
    1 month ago

    remember hitchcock movie the birds ...

  • CRR
    Lv 7
    1 month ago

    It may be that dinosaurs had feathers, but obvious birds have also been discovered and ‘dated’ to deep within the dinosaur era. Not too many years ago, evolutionists were teaching that birds evolved right before dinosaurs went extinct. Now they say they evolved ‘millions of years earlier than once thought’. If birds evolved from dinosaurs, when?

    The dating, even by evolutionary methods, shows that the order is wrong. Archaeopteryx is allegedly 153 Ma (million years old),18 but their alleged feathered dinosaur ancestors such as Sinosauropteryx are ‘dated’ to 125 Ma.19 This problem is accentuated by another extinct bird called Confuciusornis, which even had a toothless beak, but is ‘dated’ to 135 Ma. Thus, by the evolutionists’ own methods, Archaeopteryx and Confuciusornis are dated as being millions of years older than their alleged dinosaur ancestors. Evolutionary paleo-ornithologist Alan Feduccia, a well-known critic of the dino-to-bird dogma, often quips that you can’t be older than your grandfather!

    One of the major ‘evidences’ of evolution is how the evolutionary order supposedly matches the fossil sequence. Therefore the gross mismatch with the dino-birds is a severe challenge to the evolutionary explanation.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 month ago

    No, they didn't. The claim that birds evolved from dinosaurs started with a paleontologist known for making outrageous claims. Birds probably branched off from the reptiles before any dinosaurs came on the scene. Otherwise, they would have had to lose a digit and then re-evolve it, while losing another one. Highly unlikely, according to Dollo's Law of the Irreversibility of Evolution.

  • 1 month ago

    No way that could have happened.  Evolution did not happen.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 month ago

    Not like the ones I've seen at the picture show . Their tracks do look alike . At least some of them .

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 month ago

    We all evolved from single-celled creatures. That doesn't make us (or birds) single-celled  creatures, does it?

    That birds evolved from dinosaurs doesn't make them dinosaurs any more than the fact we evolved from some ape-like creature makes ancient ape-like creatures.

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