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Anonymous asked in Business & FinanceSmall Business · 2 months ago

Are there companies out there who pay their employees to recruit new employees to them?

For instance, this one guy I know has been trying to get me to become a financial advisor. He’s been trying to convince me hard telling me that he sees a lot of motivation in me and that I’m driven. Which is true because I’m always keeping my eyes and ears out to make extra money. It’s just the thing is I don’t really wanna do what he wants me to do. Mostly because he tells me that first clients for these guys are usually friends and family, which I don’t wanna bother them trying to sell any type of insurance to them. Nor am I crazy on going door to door asking people if they want to sign up for insurance policies. Usually if I tell people about an opening at my work, I just tell it like “apply for it, yes or no, whatever you want”, but this guy that I’m talking about really into signing me up and basically doing a little sucking up. Are there companies that employees all the time for recruiting people? Mines not one of them, I was giving an example. But if I was being paid to recruit someone I might be on it like the guy I’m talking about here.

4 Answers

  • 2 months ago

    Yes.  They're called "recruiters".

  • 2 months ago

    At some companies in that industry, yes.  Some of the guys actually most of their money that way and basically ask everyone they meet, even just someone next to them online in a store, whether they like their job and start trying to recruit them.  And "see potential" in everyone.  Because even if the person can't find any customers, they may be able to recruit someone.

  • Lisa A
    Lv 7
    2 months ago

    Not exactly. You are being recruited for a pyramid scheme, Ponzi scheme, aka MLM. It isn't a job.

  • Anonymous
    2 months ago

    only marketing scams and pyramid schemes  do what you describe

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