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Anonymous asked in Consumer ElectronicsOther - Electronics · 2 months ago

How can u transfer old VCR tapes to digital without vcr ? Thanks ?

Hi I have lots of 80s tapes and don't have very. Tbet are can I easily convert them ? What do I need to do ? Thanks ;) I also found tons of disposable  cameras can I make my own green room ? I have no clue what to do with them..can u help me thanks :)

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    2 months ago

    You need a VCR tape player. PERIOD

    Then, many of the movie tapes have a way of stopping you from making additional VCR tapes(their copywrite protection) so the easiest way around it is set up a movie camera in front of the TV and record when the tape plays. (Besides, I was not going to spend money on tape blanks so I copy over the movies I don't want to see anymore)Your eyes are now a movie camera. Now it is in the movie camera stick memory. Slap that into the computer in the slot and you got a digital version. Now transfer the camera stick info onto a USB stick and there it is. Digitized.

    Disposable cameras are useless. You need a movie camera for a green room.  Google up green room construction (or blue room as that was used first)  It is a process so you need to see the examples (maybe try YouTube with that request)

  • 2 months ago

    I have been considering something similar for a while now.

    I have about 20 old VHS tapes that have family holiday stuff on them and I would like to digitise them.

    I have been considering buying a SCART to HDMI converter  to do the job of connecting my VCR to either my computer or a digital recorder.

    They retail at about £25 here in England.

    I have read mixed reviews about them, some say they can "upscale" the image and improve it a bit, others say no, that doesn't work.

    But even if I only got VHS quality, it would be better than throwing them all out.

    Just to busy (wife says too lazy) to get on with it!

  • ?
    Lv 6
    2 months ago

    Go to a thrift shop or a pawn shop and buy a dvd player for $15 and then buy a transfer device that will go between your computer and the dvd player to copy them.

  • 2 months ago

    You cannot play a tape without a VCR that plays tapes.

    The only way to do this without you having a working VCR is to find a service that does such conversion work.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 months ago

    You would need to pay a service to do it for you or you just buy an old VCR and a RCA capture dongle.  

  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 months ago

    Video tapes Can Not be copied or transferred 

    without using a compatible VCR.    



    If they contain copyrighted material, 

    the best thing to do is find the same titles on DVD if possible.   



    The rest of your "question" does not readily lend itself to answers.   

    Try restating it with better detail.   

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