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Sin 2x = 0.836. Find x?

I've used the double angle formula but not able to get much farther.


My apologies. The range is from 0 to 360 degrees

3 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago
    Favourite answer

    That's a dead end.

    First, find the angle(s) whose sine(s) = 0.836. Then take ½ of that. Incidentally, since you haven't specified a finite range of values for x, there will be infinitely many values, periodically spaced.

    sin(2x) = 0.836

    2x = {sin⁻¹(0.836), π - sin⁻¹(0.836)} + 2nπ

    x = {½sin⁻¹(0.836), ½π - ½sin⁻¹(0.836)} + nπ

    x = {0.494976..., 1.07582...)} + nπ

    where n = any integer (positive, negative, or zero).


    In that case, just choose the values of x that fall within that range.

    There are 4 of them; in degrees, they are:

    x =





  • 7 years ago

    sin 2x = .836

    2x = Arc sin .836 = 56.72010906 degrees

    x = 28.36005453 degrees

  • 7 years ago

    2x = sin^-1 ( .0836)

    x = [sin^-1 (.0836)]/2

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