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∣ 9 − x^2∣ <8x^2. Find possible solutions of x.?


Thanks. However, I am looking for the actual working for it. I already know the answer.

2 Answers

  • Ashley
    Lv 6
    8 years ago
    Favourite answer

    Think of this as its graphical meaning: The distance from 9 to a number is less than eight times the number. If the number would be 1, the distances are equal. So the number must be greater than 1

    so x² >1 which means that x²-1>0, (x-1)(x+1) > 0

    So x is either less than -1 or greater than 1

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    if x € [ - 3 , 3 ] then x^2 <= 9

    so the equation gives

    9 - x^2 < 8x^2

    9x^2 > 9

    x^2 > 1

    so the set of solutions is [ - 3 , - 1) U ( 1 , 3 ]

    if |x|>= 3 then x^2 >= 9

    so the equation gives

    - 9 + x^2 < 8x^2

    7x^2 > - 9

    so any x in the "outside intervals R \ [ - 3 , 3 ] is convenient


    the set S of solutions is

    S = ( -oo ; -1 ) U ( 1 , +oo )

    hope it' ll help !!

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