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Tiggers don't "jump"... they bounce ! ... Well, then, bounce down, Tigger... "Tiggers never bounce down... they always bounce UP !!" ;-)
Merry Xmas !! How old are we today?
Try this one !! How old are we today?
I have today twice the age that you had when I had the age that you have !!
The sum of our today's ages is 63. How old are you and how old am I ? ;-)
...Show more4 AnswersMathematics1 decade agoHow to proceed for choosing a Best Answer : is it really so difficult for newcomers ? Thanks?
According to the new rules :-( only the asker may choose a BA, whereats, in maths, they don't know the answer and if newcomer don't know how to proceed. Is is really so difficult. What's your opinion ? How to do ? Thanks you all.
5 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago