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Outing ANOTHER Person For Being Gay?

Do you think it's okay for someone to publicly announce that ANOTHER person is gay? A stand-up comedienne recently outed a famous actor for being gay. AND she did it during her stand-up routine, treating it like something to be made fun of.

I personally feel that he should sue her!

4 Answers

  • Sheree
    Lv 6
    8 years ago
    Favourite answer

    No one has a right to 'out' a person for being gay. It isn't fair on that person. They probably aren't ready at all to tell people if they haven't already. It is their decision to tell who they want when they want and anyone who knows and is aware of that person's sexuality should not tell anyone else- it's not their business.

  • BBG
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    I don't know what specific situation you're referring to. However, I will say this:

    1) If the statement is TRUE, what would the plaintiff sue for? It's not libel or slander. Unless the comedienne signed a confidentiality agreement prior to having access to the information, I doubt the plaintiff would have a case.

    2) Yes, I think it's rude and low and crappy to sell out someone's privacy to make a buck. However, there aren't any laws against someone being rude and low and crappy. It's called the First Amendment. So yes, I think it's OK for them to do that. And let their reputation/ career face the consequences of their short-sightedness.

  • Sue B
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    I believe being a stand -up gives you lee way of being sued. They make things up to make people laugh. Not everything they say on stage is true...not always funny either. It's their job to make people laugh. To slam others.

  • 8 years ago

    if a person is gay that is their own private business.if they decide to come out then it should be the person in question to decide when that time is right and no one else.

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