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Going through airport security twice?

I am currently in Barcelona heading home to the US in a few days. We all know that you cant get through airport security with liquids. But i would like to bring home a bottle of wine or two. After i get in the terminal, i can just buy a bottle at one of the shops in the airport no problem, and carry that onto the plane.

But, my plane stops in Lisbon and i have to change flights. Ive never taken a connecting flight before and i dont know if i'll have to go through security again, thus not being able to hold on to the bottle i bought in Barcelona.

Do i need to go through security again or should i not have a problem?

I know that i could probably find better wine and cheaper in some local shops here but i dont wanna risk putting the bottle in my bag and having it break while being man-handled in the undercarriage. I probably will do that and try to put as much packing around it as i can. But i would still like a back-up plan to carry on the plane.

Any thoughts or suggestions?

4 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favourite answer

    Yes, you will have to go through security again at the airport in Lisbon. While both Spain and Portugal are in the Schengen zone, you will have to go from the Schengen to the non Schengen area of the airport in Lisbon and go through security to get to the flight for the US. Further, if you have a connecting flight in the US, you have to go through passport and customs control at the first airport of arrival in the US. After going through customs, you need to go through security to get to the next flight.

    I live in Italy and my US home is in Colorado. I've never had any problem taking wine in checked bags when going back and forth. Note that you have to be 21 to bring alcohol into the US - you are allowed one liter duty free and will have to pay duty for any in excess of that.

  • 10 years ago

    Theoretically if you stay in the transit lounge you should be able to keep your liquids, but increasingly people are finding that their liquids are being confiscated during flight connections.

    Duty free shops attempt to provide information about where and when this might happen, but the complexity and constant changes related to this issue is huge, so they don't really do a good job.

    Basically you should by your duty free and pack it in your luggage or plan to buy it in your stop over.

  • 10 years ago

    If you buy in the duty free shops, you can normally take it on the plane, check with the airlines ,in transit if you don't leave air-side, then you wont need to worry, if however you leave air-side then it may well be taken from you

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Well,are you middle eastern-american? If answer is yes then expect the ugly....they'll probably claim you are carrying a liquid bomb into the plane....haha just kiddin

    Source(s): Suicide bombers come in all shapes and race
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