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nowhereman136 asked in HealthMen's Health · 1 decade ago

Where can i get paid for blood donations?

I've been donating blood for a few years now. A friend who works at the local blood center told me that the blood center sells the blood to hospitals for a small profit.

I understand the importance of donating blood, and the need for the blood center to use this money to get more donations.

But, since someone was getting paid anyway, why couldnt it be me? i could use the money. skip the middle man and sell directly.

My question is where can i sell blood. I know it's not a lot of money but for me (college student) every bit helps. I found a website that listed places ( but they didnt list any place in New Jersey. Anyone know how to find a place that pays for donations?

1 Answer

  • 1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    There a few types of donation with compensation programs you may be eligible to participate.

    Specialty donor programs tend to be best paid, but they look for donors who have recently been immunized, or are positive for autoimmune or infectious (mono, H.Pylori) disease. There are a number of ways to find such programs, for instance you can go to and they will help you to find such program if you are eligible.

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