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Is anyone else getting tired of contrarians?

It's ok to not like some major movies but you cant dislike something just because you think everyone likes it.



The Dark Knight

alot of people i hear complain about these movies just say "Over-rated" or "bad" but never give a reason, and it's driving me crazy.

I'm not saying their the greatest movies ever but they are good movies and if asked i can give plenty of reasons why they are, as well as how their good points outweigh the bad.

If you want to complain about a movie that is bad, you have to give a better excuse than "Pocahontas" which, btw, is a rip off of Romeo and Juliet and still a good movie

2 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    Yeah, I don't like when folks say something is bad simply because they personally don't like it (or even worse that they are just the type of person to not like anything that is popular). As far as the movies you listed:

    Titanic -- I can honestly say I could live without ever seeing this again. It's not a bad movie per se, but I watched it SO many times in the theater and when it came out on video because so many people wanted to watch it (why couldn't they have gone at the some time, grrr), I've just grown tired of it. Now, the storyline is a bit ... gooshy. I like romance, but this went to another level. It's a bit much for me.

    Avatar -- I do believe it was / is overrated, but that doesn't mean it's bad. The visual effects were stellar. The acting was decent - above average. I just didn't think the writing or the world was really all that unique as people chalked it up to be. I'm not a "Pocahontas" nay-sayer though as every story really is based on a very small handful of potential conflicts and story arcs, but it is all in the packaging and presentation. The package was pretty, but the resolution of that conflict bored me a bit. It was too drawn out and never really felt complete.

    The Dark Knight -- Well, let's just get to the point. If you think this movie is bad, you need your head examined. :P

    Good question by the way.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I think all three movies you posted are over rated.

    For Titanic, I thought the acting really wasn't that great (with the exception of DiCaprio). I didn't care for any of the characters except for Jack. It didn't give me any after thoughts from the movie and I found it to be forgettable.

    Avatar. Yes the scenery was beautiful, but that was all. The story was unoriginal (watch the movie Ferngully) and I felt the movie could have had a deeper plot, but was ultimately made for the average audience. I wished it was 5 hours long. I think that could have made it better. Also the dialogue could have been much much better.

    The Dark Knight. The only thing I thought was great about this was of course Heath Ledger. He did an amazing job as the joker. Otherwise I thought it was only decent. The acting from everyone else was only alright. Other then the scenes with the Joker I thought it was a pretty average and forgettable movie.

    Ultimately I don't think any of these three films were awful, but were pretty average. Avatar did have some pretty nice visuals though.

    Source(s): Avid movie viewer.
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