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42inch sharp tv stand?

My brother just gave me his old tv. Its a 42 inch SHARP TV, about 5 inches deep.

he was keeping it on a shelf, leaned up against a wall. nothing holding it in place but the wall and a rubber mat to keep it from sliding off.

now i have it. I need to put it on my TV stand. Its a pretty basic stand thats made for older box tvs to just sit there. The new tv isnt able to stand on its own. i cant lean it against the wall. (or attach anything to the wall)


how do i get my tv to stay in place? what kind of stand to i get so that it will fit on top of my current setup (thats not going anywhere)? Where do i get one? how much?

1 Answer

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    See if you can find an old fashioned TV repair shop. They may

    have something "out back" or refer you to another.

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