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Software that converts and translates language into subtitles?

Like capturing Japanese audio and turn them into English subtitles.

If there's such a software, give me the link to the download. Thanks!

2 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    There MIGHT be a program like that, but it would suck. First, speech to text recognition is pretty bad at this moment. Also, machine translation (ESPECIALLY from context-sensitive languages like Japanese) is also pretty bad.

    So the subs will probably end up saying something along the lines of "I am going to pleasure myself with this fish", when something entirely different was said.

  • penny
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    No such element...translation calls for a human. There are too many variables...synonyms, homonyms, words that are spelled the comparable yet recommend various issues. previous participles that are translated as previous demanding...idiomatic expressions, adjustments in observe order, spelling blunders. How do you translate "bow"? Which way do you pronounce it? Does it recommend to bend on the waist? or is it some thing you put in slightly woman's hair? or some thing you employ to shoot an arrow? or the front end of a boat? Or "performed"? Is it the previous demanding or the previous participle? can not be completed. a minimum of, no longer yet. in no way say in no way....they are going to at last invent some thing that can think of that nicely, yet for GOTTA the best thank you to speak THE LANGUAGES.

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