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Anonymous asked in Computers & InternetInternetFacebook · 2 weeks ago

Facebook just locked me out for no reason?

I always have my facebook tab open on my laptop. I randomly check it now and then, just a moment ago I see a whole message saying that my account was locked out, it doesn't say exactly why, just the general message that I may have done something against guidelines or something. For the passed few weeks I haven't done anything on facebook except talk to friends on messanger, or like posts. And even before that all I ever do is share posts and make status' on what i'm doing. I'm not doing anything wrong. Not too long ago it said there was suspicious activity and requested I change my password, so I did. But I check the activity and nothing was done in my account. 

I just did the facebook verification thing but now that's going to take time. Is there any way to contact facebook directly to find out what happened?


Has anyone experienced this before? being locked out randomly?

5 Answers

  • 2 weeks ago

     that you must change and make up new password and if you cant get back to your account. nothing wrong with facebook , must be you had giving the wrong information to them. it happend to me before. and you need to try to log out and then log in again. they must had  thinking  you were some one else that they through made trouble to be on there. or can be some body else on your friends lists had made report to them about you that made them block you or suspended you from facebook. they have a new rules on the guidelines now. you should wait tomorrow or later see if they will give you a second chance to get back on there. make sure you dont say or do any thing else bad with other users on facebooks  they can see that what you posting . 

  • Anonymous
    2 weeks ago

    That’s why REDDIT is better.

  • Anonymous
    2 weeks ago

    That's what communists do kid welcome to the CCP controlled web

  • Daniel
    Lv 7
    2 weeks ago

    No there is not you will have to Wait for Facebook to get back to you there is nothing you can do until then no way to speed up the Process or be able to talk to anyone from Facebook 

  • 2 weeks ago

    just type how to contact facebook on the search bar and it will tell you how

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