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KBiss asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

Dog Ate Chocolate! HELP!?

I came home to find my 5 pound chihuahua had eaten half of my chocolate bar - as I searched for her, I also found 3 small piles of throw up. I was relieved, but now I'm left with questions - and it's too late in the evening to call the vet.

She's making this sound like she's about to whine, but it's almost whispered. I haven't seen her drink since I came home, but she does keep going back to her food bowl. Is it ok to feed her some dog food just hours after she's thrown up, or should I wait until to morning to bring her to the vet? She's 19, and my whole world. I don't want to lose her because of my carelessness.

Please help.

4 Answers

  • Aduial
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    If she's that old it wouldn't hurt to take her to the vet. Don't feed her her regular food. If you want to feed her give her some white rice to calm her stomach.

  • 1 decade ago

    Let me start by saying you have done very well by having a 19 y/o now yes take her to the vet tomorrow feed her a little bit of rice to settle her stomach a bit

    A little bit of chocolate will not do much harm to a younger dog the whole chocolate rumor is sort of true and the effects of chocolate really is a heart issue because of the caffiene issue but regular chocolate bar is not as bad as the rumors will have you believe it is the bakers chocolate that is a serious issue so I doubt that as you call it your carelessness will have any baring on your dog just that fact that your dog is 19 can and will cause all kinds of issues and at this age they will come on sudden and without any warning

    so yes it is neccessary to take the dog to the vet ASAP because anything that may be wrong with your dog is more likely going to be age related than the little bit of chocolate she ate

    good luck at the vet and keep us informed

    Source(s): Been thru my dog eating chocolate quite a few times and the vet told me that it was the bakers chocolte that poses a more serious issue that a comman chocolate bar
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Chocolate is toxic to chihuahuas, you should call your vet.

  • 1 decade ago

    Feed her now.... and take her to the vet 2mrw......

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