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Verizon wireless blackberry question?

Ok so currently i own a blackberry storm and i pay 30 a month extra from some email package thing.

so if buy another blackberry from verizon for my son do i need to pay 30 per month extra for each one? Or do i just pay 30 once a month for both?


OH and he already has a cellphone but its not a smartphone i was told that its 30 each smartphone even if he is in my plan?? thats why i wanted to know if we have to pay 30 each

4 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    That is the data plan for smartphones. Each smartphone requires its own data plan. You would need 2 data plans, at $30 each!!!

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Unfortunately no. Blackberry smartphones are all internet capable and must have a data plan or "internet" plan. There is no way for verizon to disable the internet on your phone so you are forced to get the data plan. I recently purchased a new blackberry and tried to give my old blackberry to my niece and she could not afford the data plan. The verizon guy told me that she must get the data plan to use that phone.

  • 1 decade ago

    it should be if you open another account under your name, then you can get the same plan for your son, just pay for the new phone and a little extra for the extra account. you shouldn't have to pay an additional 30 dollars, but it might depend on location. if you can, go to a local Verizon Wireless Store or for further information and FAQ's. Hope this helps:)

  • 1 decade ago

    30 dollars for each one..its for the internet, but if he doesnt get internet its not 30 dollars

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