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Anonymous asked in Consumer ElectronicsCell Phones & Plans · 2 weeks ago

Can someone tell if you’re manually changing the time on your cell phone? Please answer ?

I’ve been changing the time on my cell phone before I send TEXTS, the time stamp obviously says the time I changed it too but would anyone be able to tell the actual time the text was sent??? 


I’m saying on first glance it says my text was sent at let’s say 12:00 pm but really it was sent at 10:00am or soemthing. The time stamps says 12 would they be able to tell I sent it at 10:00... or would they have to go the extra mile and call the phone company?

3 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 weeks ago

    No "extra" work has to be done to see the real time a message was sent. If the person expected any shady, all they would have to do is look at the reply field, too see the real time in the reply path of most common email apps. 

  • Anonymous
    2 weeks ago

    EVERY text you send has a network time stamp and exact GPS position so manually changing the time does nothing

  • 2 weeks ago

    The time set on your phone is irrelevant. 

    The network knows what time the message was sent to its servers and that’s the time tagged onto the message, along with the time of delivery to the recipient and the time the recipient opened the message.

    What’s displayed on the phone receiving your message is usually the time the message was actually sent, using the recipient’s Time Zone. 

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