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I opened a new yahoo account, but it wouldn't accept my zip code?

It said that the "postal code" was not valid for my country, when it certainly is. I had to make up a fake zip code to register the account.

I'm thinking the programmers designed the system not to accept "postal codes" with a leading zero, like we have in New England. Does anybody know anything about this?


That's what I did. It just seems odd that they changed it so it no longer accepts valid zip codes, and you have to make up a fake one.

I once lost control of an account, and I got it back based on the fact that I knew the information I opened it with.

Also, people used to locate me with a geographic search using the old profiles, though most of them actually thought I lived in a city on the other coast by the same name.

I'm not sure if new profiles are searchable.

1 Answer

  • 1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    Just make up a number.. I have used Yahoo for a looong time and don't ever remember a time where the zip code made a difference.

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