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how much do you spend for daycare? ?

Poll: How mud do you spend for daycare/ childcare? how many kids do you have, what are their ages, how much does it cost you a week? what area do you life in?


I pay $120 a week for a soon to be 3 yr old (next week) and soon to be 5 year old (next month). It would have been $70 a child but they discounted me $10 a child since I have two kids at the same daycare. This is the most reasonable I can find in this area. Anything below that is like dropping your kids off at a Homeless Shelter for 9 hours.

Update 2:

wow chonnie, my daycare was open yesterday and school was in. i was off work though. my husband had to work so i really enjoyed my "me" time :)

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    I pay $80 per week for one child who is nearly 3 years old. I live in a rural area of Kentucky. This is the best rate in this area that I've heard.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have a 4 yr. old. Her sitter charges me $20 a day ($100 a week). A licensed daycare is more expensive, I pay $34 a day if I need to take her there. They do provide snacks and meals though. I live in NY.

  • 1 decade ago

    lol you have a point. i pay $150 weekly for my 2 yr. old. I used to pay $50 a week for my 8 and 5 yr old. but thank god their school now has a wonderful after school program that operates during days off. they were open yesterday veteran's day when my daycare wasn't

    Source(s): im for NYC where are you from
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I live in Kentucky and pay $135 a week full time for daycare and $45.00 a week for another child for the after school program.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm in central IL. I paid roughly $150 a week for our 3 year old at a daycare center. It was closer to 200 a week when he was a baby.

    Source(s): My checkbook.
  • 1 decade ago

    lets see i bring my son to a homedaycare she charges me 90 a week from hours 9 to 5 and she has about 4 other kids and thy are around the ages 8months to 2years old and she is pretty good with working out hours and i live in virginia !!! only thing i have to bring is diapers and wipes and change of clothes and blankets but i leave them there she washs them and everything eles !!! she is the best!

    Source(s): Virginia home daycare assist,Daycare on
  • 1 decade ago

    $80-$100 per week

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