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What do you need, like bad? ?

Are you in a dire need of something? If you could name 3 things that you need really badly, Not a want but a need, what are they?

Honest answers only please! You never know where help could come from.

1. I need a new roof!

2. I wish my grandmother could win her battle over cancer, badly!

3. Extra money to make ends meet, badly!

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    I need money to make ends meet. This has never been an issue for me until recently and I am not dealing with it well.

    I need my best friend here to help me with everything I am going through right now. He died almost a month ago and I miss him terribly. He could always make the darkest days brighter.

    I need a new job. I lost mine due to corporate cut backs and can't seem to find anything right now no matter how hard I am trying.

  • 5 years ago

    I need help with bills desperately. I need work but no one will give me a chance do to my disabilities and being 39. I want just a part time job that I can do. I have a resume and am trying so hard to better myself. I am engaged but he is a student too and is full time at that so it's impossible to find a schedule around full time college and go to school without doing some long days of no sleep. I want to pay on my credit score and get a visa for my fiancé family to come to the wedding. I am struggling so bad it is horrible.

  • 1 decade ago

    1 . I need an attorney that will give free advice on divorce online. I'm disabled. My husband knows (or thinks that I can't do anything about it). So he continues on with his life as if he's above the law. He is a narcissist.

    2. My car fixed.

    3. Of course money.

  • 1 decade ago

    1. My grandmother to survive her battle with cancer (im in the same boat as you here) :(

    2. new shoes- mine are talking to me at the minute and they don't offer me any protection from rain and puddles (ha ha)

    3. To figure out the solution to a problem that's really worrying me. The more i think about it the harder it seems to be to make a decision.

  • 1 decade ago

    1. Money to pay off debts!

    2. The new Blackberry Bold! BADDDDD

    3. Christian Louboutin shoe wardrobe!

  • 1 decade ago

    1 job.

    2 money to pay student loans & bills

    3 a new place to live

  • 1 decade ago

    1. To wake up and be able to smile everyday

    2. My mommmm/favourite person in the world

    3. To be outside.. or at least to have windows!

  • 1 decade ago

    I have two unmarried sons, 29 & 31.

    I need daughters-in-law and grand-kids before I am too old to enjoy them

  • 1 decade ago

    1 lots of money

    2 my own apartment or house

    3 more money towards college

  • 1 decade ago

    1. Oxygen

    2. Food

    3. Water

    Without those, no one would be alive! Something I need everyday.

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