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Miracle Blade III ?

Has any one purchased a set that could give me a short review of the knives? I saw the infomercial ..but ive learned not to trust what i see on tv..but they sure do make those knives look good.

2 Answers

  • Maddy
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    I bought the Miracle Blade III knives from TV. The whole set with the block and the scissors and all.

    honestly, I love them. We've had them for over 4 years and they're all still in great shape, with one exception - the little round ball that you use to help hold the knife came off of my "rock & chop" just recently, but the knife still works.

    They're even all still sharp after 4 years + of daily use. (I'm a serious cook, and my husband is a professional chef, so ALL my knives get frequent & heavy-duty use)

    The only complaint I can think of is that the scissors don't come apart, which is a feature I really like in kitchen scissors for cleaning - but if you're buying the miracle blade set, it's not for the scissors, so who cares...

    I was pretty sceptical myself, having never bought anything off an infomercial before, but they really are great knives.

  • 1 decade ago

    I use mine for camping and keep my pro knives at home,nothing like having a useless knife out in the woods. They're worth it.

    Have fun...

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