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It's rise..... if I keep .... will it going down or what ??

Ok.. I'm done this doughnut recepies and it make 16 fluffy doughnut ... It's perfecly rise..

then I fried half of it... also nice and taste Good.. and smooth.

The question is... How about the other half of uncooked doughnut.

Can I just leave it in Room Temperature? will its going down..?

Or.. can I keep it in the Freezer.. and not worried about getting hard doughnut went i cook it letter..

2 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    it wont go down in room temp..i suggest wrapping up tighrly in plastic wrap and leaving out if u r going to use within 2 days..oterwise..its fine to freeze

  • 1 decade ago

    When I make pain ordinaire(a kind of French bread) I freeze my extra for another time. Wrapped tightly with plastic wrap.

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