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meringue - for royal icing ?

Can I make maringue the old times recepies.. then powder it and make Royal Icing.

Since the Royal Icing Recepi, called for maringue powder. It's the same.?

It's is dificult for me to get Maringue Powder here.. so can i make Homemade Meringue and Powder It ???

If you can, can i have your meringue recepi.. original no flavour. Help Me. Big thank you.. 10 point

1 Answer

  • 1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    you dont need meringue powder just the egg white are normal for royal icing but if you want meringues then

    whip up 4 eggwhite with pinch salt til still add 3oz granulated sugar and whip again till mix smooth between fingers spread out on grease proof 1 - 2" thick in cool oven 120-130 as low as it will go cook 4 hours or if you can get it very low over night you will still end up with chewy bit but crumble outside off and crush (use rest with whipped cream and strawberries mix through this is eton mess yummy)

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