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When calling in your availability to your staffing agencies....?

.....should you contact them once a week, twice a week, or EVERY day?

My agencies have done VERY little to help me, and it's NOT that I'm a bad candidate.

I'm starting to think that I should call them up (on the phone) every day and be a total pest so that they'll give me more jobs just to shut me up! Also, when they tell me they don't have anything at that time, I feel like asking them, "Are you SURE? Are you looking in your system right now? Could you PLEASE check?"

Or will that only make it worse?

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    Timing is everything. Make yourself available to them but do not call everyday! I used to be in staffing and I get annoyed when people call me all the time. Email is less invasive so try that method. I would say, call on Monday, usually, that is when they get the "no call, no shows", if you still do not get a phone call by the end of the week, email them on Thursday to remind them of your availability. Register with as many agencies as you can, it gives you a better chance. If they say "they don't have anything", chances are, it is true. Trust me, when we had something open, we were desperate to fill it because it means $$$.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I would definitely call with your availabitiy weekly. And don't be afraid to check in during that week if your availability changes or just to check in, I really don't think they consider you as being a pest. Schedulers for Staffing Agencies are very busy and needs change on a daily basis. Alot of facilities are hiring new employees instead of using agencies and alot of times shifts are canceled because one of their own staff/pool pick up thoses shifts. And more than often the needs come in on a last minute basis because of call outs.

    So keep calling and updating your availability as needed.

    Good Luck!

    Source(s): Personal experience
  • 1 decade ago

    I can honestly tell you that if you get an attitude or in any way undermine what they are telling you, you're more than likely not going to get placed any faster. And, please don't call every day. That does not make you look any better to them, it just makes them mad or annoyed at the fact that you don't understand the whole "weekly" thing. However, calling in at the beginning and end of each week is not a bad idea.

    Staffing agencies usually try to get everyone out into something that they fit into, but it is not always possible. Especially with many places not needing any more help at the moment.

    Good luck in getting placed at your next assignment!

    Source(s): This is my job.
  • 4 years ago

    you are able to not artwork now. in case you prefer to artwork NOW, artwork interior the retail marketplace fairly of staffing companies. Staffing companies are crammed with B.S. they are in a position to be a success or a miss each and every each and every now and then. lots of the time, they are misses. no longer that lots clerical jobs are right here to stay.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    Availability Temp Agency

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    you are required to call them at least ONCE a week. Make sure you have NO restrictions in your availability, ask what they are doing to help you find a job....don't limit yourself to just one agency. If this one isn't helping you, find one that can.

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