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dpo263 asked in PetsCats · 1 decade ago

I SINCERELY Apologize....?

.... for implying that people don't care enough about their cats to take them straight to the vets when something critical is happening with their cats. Obviously, they DO care, or else they wouldn't even be asking for advice. Our family has had pets in the past (both dogs and cats) and we know how expensive veterinary care can be. I also should have realized that often when people are posting these questions, that the vet's office may not be open at that time and that they DO have every INTENTION of taking their pet to the vet as soon as they can.

I'm VERY sorry if I caused any hurt feelings. Especially to the stay-at-home mom who said that they were taking their cat to the vet, but he died. Ma'am, I am TRULY sorry for your loss and that I offended you.

People, I had absolutely NO right, whatsoever, to pass judgement on anyone.

12 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    I'm not sure I my last one went through but I'm sorry also I didn't mean to come off rude. I was trying to explain my situation and then if start a big thing with some ladie. Thanks you for this I really mean it!

  • 1 decade ago

    I think it's big of you to apologize.

    But availability and expense are not valid reasons for people to NOT see a vet. If you said this about someone failing to take a child to the doctor, your answer would have been applauded.

    People need to take pet ownership a little more seriously. Thinking of all future/possible costs before getting a pet would save a lot of misery and suffering for pets and pet owners.

    I do realize that people who already have pets are faced with strains of money and timing. But it's also important for those people to realize there are agencies and people out there who can help. Before an emergency pops up, you should look into who to call. Many local animal welfare organizations have funds for financially strapped pet owners. Some vets do a little pro bono work as well.

    Finally, having worked in vet med for a is the rule, and not the exception, that people overlook and ignore things like tumors until it's too late. And when they realize it's serious and not going away and then decide to see a vet, it's often much more expensive than if they'd come in when the problem began.

    The trick is to find a great vet with reasonable prices and who is sympathetic or understanding to your financial constraints. Talk to other pet owners, co-workers, friends, family members in the area. Get recommendations and visit the vet for a regular vaccine appointment to get a feel for them before you need them in an emergency situation.

    Telling someone to talk to or go to a vet may be the best advice a non-vet can give. Also, those people on these boards who give out a diagnosis based on a post should be liable if they are wrong or cause problems to someone's pet. It is irresponsible, and illegal, to diagnose or recommend treatment for others' animals.

    I applaud you on your answer and your maturity to apologize when others were hurt.

  • 5 years ago

    Apology Accepted.

  • 1 decade ago

    I hope everyone who's ever posted a question like that reads this. I also understand that veterinarians are expensive and not always open when needed.

    I myself will admit to not taking my cat in who had probably swallowed radiator fluid. I was 17, home alone for the weekend, and so I really couldn't. She survived after much praying and force feeding, but I still look back on that as something that I should have done differently.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I didn't see your original post, but my hat is off to you for apologizing in case of any offense! I wish more people were like you. I also know how easy it is to write something and then have people take it the wrong way, or in a way it was never inteded! YOU ARE AWESOME!

  • 1 decade ago

    that was very nice of you to do this. I understand how your emotions can take over when it comes to this topic. i have many times felt the way you have when it comes to taking pets to the vet ASAP.

  • 1 decade ago

    I never saw your original post, but good for you for making this one. Few people mean to hurt others. Glad you are one of them.It's so easy for things to come out wrong when you type it and seem totally different to what you mean.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    thats very noble of you it takes a very brave and meature person to admit when they are rong.well done

  • 1 decade ago


  • 1 decade ago

    You go girl! Here have a star!

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