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dpo263 asked in PetsCats · 1 decade ago

Y R so many people posting CRITICAL ?s on this board.....?

........instead of taking their cats/kittens to the vet? I mean if I had a cat and if he/she were throwing up blood or had a lump, I would not waste ANY time on Yahoo! Answers. I would take my cat straight to the vet.

I'm sorry if I sound harsh, but Come On! A lot of these situations are such that if proper veterinary attention isn't given fast (even immediately), the cat could actually die!

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    Well for 1 we were getting the kids in the car to take him to the vet but he passed. Try getting a 3yr old,2 yr old and 2 month old in a car as fast as u can. besides baby sitting I'm a stay at home mom and if i had the $ to get my cat into the vet don't u think that would be my first choice. I love my cat and I'm really worried about her.When she pays next week I'll go to the vet. so i got on here trying to get some advise and opions from people who actually know what they are talking about. thanks for asking though. PUNK- have you ever hear of babysitting? Don't u feel stupid!

  • 1 decade ago

    I know how it is to be in a tight spot with money. Vets aren't cheap. I'm sure if these people could take their pet to the vet they would. Obviously they are worried and care for their pets or they would give their pets away. They want advise from someone that may know whats wrong. If you have a problem with it then go to the next question and have some sympathy (PUNK) Sounds like u need to try doing a little baby making so u don't hate on the people that actually are!! If you try reading what she said she was getting those kid in the car so she can take the cat to the vet. Learn to read.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    A lot of people think that having a pet is a right and not a privilege that comes with the RESPONSIBILITY of getting it vet care when it needs it. Taking in a pet that you can't afford to care for isn't doing it any favor - especially if that means it's going to suffer when it's ill because you can't afford - or can't be bothered - to care for it properly.

    As for the reply from Jess M - the single mom with way too many kids - (ever heard of birth control?) please give your cat to a shelter so that someone with the means to care for it can. Having kids to deal with is NO excuse not to get your cat vet care.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I have come to the conclusion that there can't possibly be so many heartless and retarded people out there, and at least half of the questions are posted as bait to rile up the animal nuts for fun. If I thought otherwise I could never sleep again soundly.

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