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Is this legal?

Okay, my fiance is in the process of getting a divorce. His soon-to-be-ex has an order of protection against him, even though he's never hit her or anything. Both of them have lawyers. I know his soon-to-be-ex and have been friendly with her since I got involved with my fiance (they have been separated for years). Well, she wants spousal support and on Friday afternoon his lawyer had an offer from her lawyer, which my fiance feels is acceptable, but he wants the order of protection lifted so he can get his stuff out of their house without being escorted by the police and stuff. He has a lot of equipment there and it will take days to accomplish this. Well, my fiance wants me to call his soon-to-be-ex and communicate with her through me. I don't want to get involved. I have done this a few times months ago before he had a lawyer, but I don't know that it is appropriate, and I don't feel comfortable doing it. He's pressuring me a good bit though.

15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    Advice your fiancee some, but don't get involve as far as calling his ex. That's what their lawyers are for. You could complicate matters as any current transactions going on now between those two should channel through their lawyers. Listen to your inner self and don't let anyone pressure you to do what you don't want to.

  • 1 decade ago

    From personal experience: Do not get in the middle of this any farther than you are. For legal purposes get a third party or his attorney to request this protective order be dropped. In reality the best thing he could do is to have the police there. I went through this myself and we had the order dropped then we went and removed his things. After we got all of his stuff, and only his stuff, She called the police and filed theft charges and assault charges against him. I was there and absolutely nothing took place and nothing was stolen but it turned into a huge battle in court, fines and a big case of he said/ she said. I strongly recommend you use the protective order and take witnesses with you. If there is a problem with doing it the right way, then chances are, there is a problem or plan you may not be aware of. Stay out of it and if he really has your best intrest at heart then he will understand if not then maybe there are other issues here. Hope my experience helps you stay out of trouble.

    Source(s): Personal experience.
  • 1 decade ago

    He should ask the judge for an exception to the Order For Protection with specific dates attached. Or he can ask to be aloud to send someone else to do it. If the OFP includes no contact, it means direct AND indirect. You contacting her on his behalf is indirect contact. Please do not get involved.

    Also, the fact that he's pressuring you pretty much tells me you are going to find out exactly what he does that made her get a protection order in the first place.

    Source(s): I had an OFP against my ex.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    u shouldn't get involved unless u want to be in court also. read the protection from abuse papers he got, it also states in there he can't contact her through anyone else. he either gets the cops up there or he can kiss the equipment good bye. i didn't want to bring the police up either because i didn't want to embarass my son or myself every time i did that, well bottom line, she still has everything. its a shame but thats got to be the oldest trick in the books women use. and i never hit her. if anyone was abused it was me

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Tell him that although you would love to help him get his stuff this wouldn't be a wise move. Just have the police escort him to get his stuff everyday until his stuff is out. that way there is a record and she can't come back on him or you. She wants to include you so that she can possibly sue you so beware. You do not want to be named in the divorce.......

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    this all sounds a bit dodgy to me! how would his ex get this protection order if your partner had not done anything to her ? he must have done something either physical or maybe harassing her? as long as your partner gets his stuff does it matter if the police escort him and cant someone help him? i truly wouldnt act as go between and get involved leave it to the experts the laywers etc.if he is pressuring you thats not fair and tell him the situation is making you uncomfortable.

  • 1 decade ago

    Sorry, but you "got involved" the moment you decided to get into a relationship with a man who was still married. It doesn't matter if they were seperated or not, he was still married.. and he should have taken care of that relationship (meaning: get a divorce) before he ever thought about starting something with you.

    You're involved because you put yourself in that position.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    if you don't feel right about it than don't do it...I think he should just go get his stuff even if it means he will have to be escorted by a police officer...whats the big least he will have his things

  • Spring
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I wouldn't do it because you could get in trouble for helping break the order, which is what it would be if you help him contact her in any way.

  • 1 decade ago

    Don't do it. Let his lawyers handle it. He shouldn't be putting you in that situation.

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