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Recommendation problems!?

I'm so frustrated right now. I am planning to start travel nursing again, hopefully next month. One (or actually 2) big things are in my way. I need 2 recommendation letters from an employer I left about 5 mos ago. I brought the forms down there week before last and left them for the people who need to do them, with instructions to fax them ASAP. Well, my travel nursing company still hasn't received them. I've called a couple of times and haven't gotten anywhere. It's the hospital's policy to just give the length of time you were employed, and how much you were paid. It's a JACHO (healthcare accreditation company) requirement for travel nursing companies to get letters of recommendation that address your clinical skills. I was hoping my bosses would do this without a problem, but I'm not getting anywhere. I don't know what to do at this point!

2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    Have your nurse recruiter call the hospital and ask for a supervisor. Let her deal with the issue now because its out of your hands and its one of her responsibilites anyway.

    Source(s): Travel Nurse Recruiter
  • 1 decade ago

    Call up your former manager and ask them to do so. Offer to take them to lunch and pick up the recommendation letters. That way, you can reminiscence and repay the favor too.

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