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How do i get a grease stain out of concrete?
Two years ago, a woman dragged a bag of trash out her door, through a breezeway whos floor is concrete. She passed by another tenants door leaving a long streak of used cooking oil. A co.nfrontation accured between the two women, and I intervened and tried to help clean up the mess, but a terrible stain was left. Since then, both women have moved from the property, but the stain remains. I am now renting one of the units. We have an inspection tomorrow and have been told all in our building will recieve a write up if the stain is not cleaned up. We are scrambling to find something that will clean it. Any ideas?
7 AnswersCleaning & Laundry2 weeks agoWhen will the pain go away?
My dog died today. I feel like my heart has been ripped out and stomped. I knew i had to let her go. She has been buy my aide so long and i have found i still reach down beside my chair to pet her, but she isnt there. Ive cried till my throat is raw, my eyes are sore, and my head hurts. I miss her so much. I have another dog, but he and I dont share the same bond I had with her. I want her back. I cling to my other dog and my tears soak his fur. He seems to understnd and misses her too. I have experienced loss before, but this feels ao much worse than I remember. How long will it hurt? It is a physical pain.
5 AnswersDogs2 months agoWhy do i keep dreaming of really messing up at my new job?
I started a new job this past week. This is a big step for me. As some of you may know, i have seizures. This is the first time i have stepped out of my comfort zone since 2005 when i had a major seizure which lost me my full time job. This new job entails me taking care of two women in their home who are disabled. I keep dreaming of me doing things like driving with them in a car (i dont drive) and getting into a terrible accident. Or cooking something that one is highly allergic to. In one dream i was trying to protect them from an intruder in the house. That one had me sitting straight up in bed withmy heart pounding. Are these dreams a product of my own self doubt, or could it be more?
2 AnswersPsychology3 months agowhat is wrong with me? ?
for the past couple weeks, i have been feeling fatigued to the point I cant stay awake very long. My legs hurt, and I have been having frequent headaches. I have been to Urgent Care 3 times in Two weeks. I am becoming forgetful. Also food does not taste good to me. I have been tested for co-vid and it came back negative. I am not running a fever and aside from the nausea, I dont feel sick. I will soon be 50 years old, with no chance that I could be pregnant as I have been with no one in more than 2 years. Any thoughts would be helpful
2 AnswersWomen's Health11 months agohow do i file a 1099 tax form?
I am trying to file my taxes online. My 1099 form shows i earned a total of $1,900 in 2019. I have answered the questions on the online form as accurately as possible. It shows i get a tax refund. I dont see how this is possible since i did not pay taxes on my earned income. If anything, I should owe taxes..right?
3 AnswersUnited States1 year agoWhat to do when your boss tells you that if you are on time, you are already late?
am early, but i am rarely late. When I do arrive early, i get my bosses tea ready, and fill the copier and do other things to make it easier for when she gets there.
Today my phone rang at 5 minutes after 8. My boss asked me where i was cause she came to the office an hour early. I was still at home cause in my mind, i thought i had a bit more time, and i said so. She told me that if i was the kind of employee who arrived on time, then i might as well stay home. She said that on time, meant i was already an hour late because there was too much to do to wait. I have been in tears most of the day. btw..she did come to me and more gently told me to take a break for lunch.
5 AnswersEtiquette1 year agoHow do I handle being told to snap out of me depression?
My best friend is telling me that my bi-polar disease is psychosomatic and I need to snap out of it. She says there are other people who are worse off than me..that I don't look depressed most of the time, and all I need to do is snap out of it and eat more fish to not be depressed. She makes me feel worse when I get like this..she interrupts me and 2ont listen to me when I try to explain it.
5 AnswersMental Health2 years agoWhat would be the best colors to paint my living room?
i have a nice brown sofa and a rocker recliner entertainment center, coffee table, and desk. My curtains are a deep golden brown. I want to paint my living room in a light color that will compliment what I have. I want it to be two toned, with the darker color from floor to chair rail height, and the lighter color from the rest of the way to the ceiling. Anyone have any advice?
1 AnswerDecorating & Remodeling2 years agoAm I too old to think about starting a business?
I will soon be 49 years old. I have been on SSI since 2006. I dont feel disabled, but because I have seizures, I am considered disabled.
I have a dear friend who owns several businesses and helped her son to begin his very lucrative business. She has tasted my cooking, and believes that I could run a restaurant serving comfort country meals. Most of the restaurants in my area are fast food and pizza places. My friend is willing to partner with me and help me to launch this business, but I worry that I will let her down. I have dreamed of owning my own restaurant for many years, now that the opportunity is presented top me, I am scared. Am I too old? I have never run a business before, she is the one with the Master's degrees, I just know how to cook.
14 AnswersSmall Business2 years agoWas this a cashier scam, or just a mistake?
the other day, I was in a grocery store with my son. I had made my purchase of $18.76 with my foodstamp card. The cashier said "oops, I made a mistake. I added taxes onto that!" This confused me because I thought the system was set up so that taxes could not be applied. By this time, I had already punched in my pin, and the transaction had been finalized. He told me "let me reverse that transaction and we can start again, your foodstamps have gone back on your card." I agreed. Well this time when he rung it up, the transaction came to $19 and some change. He said he had fixed his error asked me to run my card again. I did, and it was declined. I had an app on my phone that allowed me to view all of my transactions. It showed the original $18.76 coming out, but not being put back on my card, and i only had $16 and some change left. After some back and forth, the a woman I assume was a manager, came up. She tried to run my card again! Then she took my information and told me to take my groceries, and that when the foodstamps came back on my card, they would take it out then. She had taken my foodstamp card number. The next day, I went back in, and she told me that she was required by her boss to pay $20 for my transaction because she was told by her boss that what she should have done before letting me leave was to take the remaining foodstamps off my card and that I would be reimbursed the original purchase. "eventually"
5 AnswersLaw & Ethics2 years agoHow often do you think contractors cheat their customers?
A friend of mine was having new carpeting put down in two bedrooms in her home. She $1200 for the carpet and for padding. she, her brother, and i pulled up the old carpet and disposed of it, but was unable to scrape the padding off the floor as we didnt have the proper tools. The guy she contracted to install the carpet asked if she was gonna be home. She said no that she had to work. Well, today she asked me to go see how they were doing..i went into her home and found them in the middle of laying this expensive carpet over the nasty padding that was already down. I asked them about the new padding, they told me she didnt order it. I was there when she did order it. Well they argued back and forth with me, then i called her..she came in demanding to know where the padding was that she paid $200 a roll for. Turned out it was on their truck. They had planned on keeping it, and her money. Is this a common practice?
12 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling2 years agowhy does it seem that men shop much differently than women?
I hate sending my son to the store, even with a list. It seems he can never get the same value out of a dollar that I do. He brings home different brands, or something completely unrelated to what was on the list, like if i send him for frozen broccoli at $1.59 a bag. he bought the steamer bag at $1.25 a bag, not realizing the steamer bag holds much less and you are paying for the bag.
Well, the other day, my boyfriend wanted me to cook dinner for him and asked me what to buy for this dinner he wanted. baked chicken leg quarters, scalloped potatoes and corn, and a frozen cream pie. I get to his house to cook the meal with my own seasonings from my cabinet at home. I went ahead and cooked the dinner and he loved it.Then tells me with a look of pride on his face that the meal for the two of us only cost him $25. I almost fell out of my chair. He thought that was a good deal. Turned out the canned corn he got was almost $3 for the can. The box of scalloped potato mix was also around $4. The pie alone was $9. So for the chicken leg quarters, it was $10 for three leg quarters. I was floored that he thought this was a good deal. We could have gone out to eat for that much. I took him to the store with me and showed him a 10 pound package of leg quarters for $7 that had 9 leg quarters in it. I showed him canned corn at 59 cents...and scalloped potatoes for 89 cents. Do men not see this when they shop?
12 AnswersCooking & Recipes2 years agowhat is the best speed for my son's ps4?
We have Suddenlink as our ISP. My son has a ps4, and we have 3 pc's a roku device, and a roku tv. I have been trying to find a way to get out from under our massive cable bill. All we pay for is internet. My son keeps insisting that we need the 100mbps that we have been paying for in order for him to be able to compete with his friends in the multi player games that he participates in. Does anyone know how much speed I can purchase per month without losing the quality of his gaming?
3 AnswersVideo & Online Games2 years agohow long does it take for a check to clear?
I wrote a check to a friend over a week ago. She took it to my bank and cashed it. Two days later, I wrote out my rent check. It had to go through two banks to clear. The check I wrote to her has not shown up in my checking account, but my rent check did. I don't know what the hold up is
10 AnswersPersonal Finance2 years agodoes anyone who voted for Trump want their vote back?
9 AnswersPolitics2 years agowhy isn't yahoo answers doing anything about those who abuse the points system?
I have noticed in the past week or so that many people who post a question on yahoo, are getting a long list of consecutive answers that a just a bunch of letters strung together, not forming any words. When you look at the profiles of these supposedly different people, they are all new accounts, and all of them are in Chinese. I have reported them over and over. Why isn't yahoo doing anything? If they cant do anything, what can we in the yahoo answers community, do?
3 AnswersYahoo Answers2 years agoIs what i did disgusting?
ok.. first a bit of background ..i am low income and live on Social Security. I have been in need of a coat for several years as i have not had one since my leather coat got sprayed by a cat. Also I have been in need of blankets cause it is getting cold out. now let me say, I didnt set out to do this. The other morning was really cold and i was taking my trash out. We have two dumpsters in our apartment complex. when i lifted my trash bag to drop it into the dumpster, there was a box sitting on top of the trash with the side broken open. I saw a huge piece of denim material. i couldn't tell how big it was cause most of it was still stuffed in the box, but there a large piece was sticking out. my first thought was that i could use it to at least make myself a shawl to keep warm. i pulled it out, and it just kept coming..i finally got it all the way out of the box and found it was a queen size denim quilt. it looked brand new..i looked around nervously afraid of being seen..and ran back to my apartment. as soon as i got inside, i stuffed it in my washing machine and washed it and dried it. It is beautiful. i was curious about it, so did a search and found one very similar to this one for $300! I wont be selling it cause it keeps me very warm and i am grateful for it. But, a friend of mine saw it today and asked me where i got such a beautiful quilt. i confessed to her..the look on her face shamed me. she told me i was disgusting. Would you consider this disgusting?
5 AnswersOther - Society & Culture2 years agohow do I tell him how I feel about him?
i have a dear friend that I want to be more than a friend. I have tried to be there for him and show him I care. I watched him fall apart when he was diagnosed with prostate cancer and could no longer work. He is in his early 60's and has worked all his life. He had nice things, he bought expensive things for the woman he was with. Suddenly, he could no longer work cause of the cancer. One day, he stopped along side the road and picked wild flowers for her. She threw them in his face and told him he was half a man cause he couldn't buy her the expensive gifts and flowers he used to buy her. This nearly broke him. I ad his sister have been there for him. In the past 6 months, I have started to fall in love with him. I dont want him to think I pity him. He is a proud man. His sister says he likes me too..but that he is not working and feels he has no right to be with a woman if he cant buy things for her. I dont want that from him. I want to be there for him. I want to be the woman this wonderful, caring, proud man deserves. I have posted in the past that I have never been in love, I have never felt that "rush" and for a long time, my feelings for him was just a friend..but now, i truly believe, that I am in love
1 AnswerSingles & Dating2 years agoWould you be offended to get a home made gift for Christmas?
I live on a shoe string budget. When i am finished paying my bills and buying what we need for the household, I have less than $100 left. Christmas is difficult for me because of this. Because of this, I look for less expensive gift ideas. One of my ideas is for a friend. I found out he loves pecan pie. So i plan to bake him a very large one. Another friend likes tea. So i plan on getting her a unique plate at a thrift store, with a tea cup..baking cookies for her..putting a variety of flavored teas on the plate with the cookies and cup and wrapping it up and giving it to her. If you think this is a good idea, can you add in other ideas that I might use for other friends?
8 AnswersChristmas2 years agoWhat would cause a sudden intolerance to meat?
several months ago, I became very ill. I had flu like symptoms, fever, chills, vomiting..the whole 9 yards. This lasted about two weeks before i started to feel better. I stayed on a bland diet for about 3 weeks after that cause food repulsed me. Finally my apatite got back to normal, or so i thought. I would have several days of eating just fine, with no adverse affects except my portions were much smaller. Some days though, I got deathly ill after i would eat. I was puzzled by this, so started keeping a seems the days i got sick were the days that there was some type of meat in my diet. What could be the reason?
2 AnswersOther - General Health Care2 years ago