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Lansing, Michigan

  • benjamin millermon moving question?

    When moving to Michigan from Florida how long do I have before I need to change my drivers license

    2 AnswersGenealogy1 decade ago
  • Ben millermon drivers license changing?

    When you move to Michigan from Florida how long do I have before I need to change my drivers license?

    2 AnswersInsurance & Registration1 decade ago
  • ben millermon banko question?

    If you have 25-30K in debt and dont have any saving, stocks, bonds or anything other than a house can you file banko for a complete write off and still keep your house?

    1 AnswerSpecial Education1 decade ago
  • Many yahoo links but no Google links?

    I have a website and I'm using an online back link checker to see back links, so far I have 7 yahoo and 0 google back links, how do I get google to give me back links?

    8 AnswersGoogle1 decade ago
  • High blood pressure?

    My work mate is 63 years old with no problems in health so far in life. We were taking peoples blood pressure in the office and found that his was 228/88. The machine almost maxed out to read his blood pressure. We have been checking him for about 6 months now, and the lowest we have ever seen his blood pressure was 205/80. Usually it stay around 225-230 on the top. My question is since he has been this way for probably years it this just normal for his body?

    9 AnswersHeart Diseases1 decade ago