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did Samuel Jackson just kill his career with hatefull eight?
2 AnswersCelebrities5 years agoI no longer like either Rick or Carol how about it walking dead fans?
1 AnswerDrama6 years agokingsmen , best movie in 10 years?
2 AnswersMovies6 years agowhat are your three favorite , sexiest women in thier sexiest roles?
mine are.
Ava Gardner in Beach
Vivien Leigh in Waterloo Bridge
Elizabeth Taylor in Elephant Walk
2 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years agowhy didn't Denver take Maning out. he was doing nothing?
seattle was prepared for Peyten's every. take him out 4 th quarter
5 AnswersFootball (American)7 years agoparinormal , marked one, stupidust movie ever made ?
the scariest thing in the movie was when the credits came up and said that there was an actual writer and director , it was made with an I.POD
in the backyard with some stupid friends guffing off.
1 AnswerMovies7 years agoare humans allready defeated by demons, as the bible says?
in the end demons shall rule the earth,
9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years agowhy is it when some maniac kills someone, people blame the gun?
6 AnswersCurrent Events8 years agowhy so many acne questions,the answer is?
brush your face with tooth brush and toothpaste, with a little salt
then wipe with witch hazel , acne disappears
3 AnswersSkin Conditions9 years agohigh tech, alien, demon ?
4 AnswersParanormal Phenomena9 years agotell me the truth has anyone besides me answering questions in the gambling section?
ever been in a casino, I have 30 years experience, as customer and worker , written 3 books on gambling , have worked as shill, gaming commission, I,ve seen it all . I will answer truthfully and factually,
5 AnswersGambling9 years agohow can I get rid of cats using my yard for restroom?
8 AnswersCats9 years agoit,s sunday why are we all inside on our computers?
19 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years agowas the movie Lockout a really bad ripoff of Escape from New York?
Kurt Russel should have came out of retirement and replayed snake plisklin
1 AnswerMovies9 years ago