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  • hello,love or crush?i can't think of any more character for my topic so stop bothering me Yahoo!?

    Hi,i recently realized that i had a feeling toward someone i seldom met.It's usual that i had a crush toward some strangers or not-so-close friend.But this this some thing weird happens.After i found out about my feeling and I'm not even sure about it,my sexual urge decreased tremendously.I have gone from once a day(masturbation) to totally not a single sexual thought a day.Does that means that i falls in love with him?or it's just a crush that will over soon?I've fallen in love a few time but they never affect my sexual urges like this before.They will usually make me hornier. That guy that i was mentioning earlier is a student from my school but of different age,I've seen him a few time and i pretty sure he knows me as I'm quite popular in school.We never talk or greet but just maybe eye contact.Is it possible for me to falls for him and changed my life?I don't know a single thing about him too.We don't know each other.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Christian support incest?

    According to the thick fairy tale book,when God created Adam and Eve,they commit a sin and were punished.According to the book,we are the descendent of Adam and Eve.So,it means that when Adam fxxk Eve,she gave birth to many children,and the children which is siblings to their own,fxxk each others too and reproduce offsprings.So,sibling sex is allowed in christian?

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Should i return the dog or what?

    I saw a poster about a dog went missing on 2nd march and the reward is about 350usd.On 18th march i found the dog wondering around and i called the owner.He came and took it home without giving me a single dollar as a reward.The dog is a silky terrior about 1 years old.When i bring it home,my family members like that dog very much and we even plan to keep it.However we decided to return to its owner.The next day,i heard that that was the second time the dog run away from its owner.The first time is on 2nd march and the second time is when i found him.I heard that the owner also didn't reward the one who found the dog on 2nd march,which means that the reward thingy is just a scam.After two days,i walk around his house and found the dog outside of his compound which means that the dog run away again.From what i saw,he has another shih tzu but it's locked in his compound.I quickly took the dog home and i found out that the dog is not well taken care of,Only after 2 days,the dog is dirty and i think it hurt it's leg,so i decided to take care of the dog and not returning it to the owner.And then after two days,i went for my daily walk and i saw the wife of the owner pushing a baby cart while walking that shih tzu.I saw that the shih tzu is very dirty.So,i wanted to do the same by stealing the shih tzu and take care of it.should i return the dog i found or just keep it and steal the shih tzu too?

    I already warned the owner to take good care of the dog.And by the way,the dog don't have any tag and i found the dog by the road side,so,it's is legally a stray dog.

    In my country,the police don't really care about stolen or missing or abused animal.It's usually only the NGOs who cares about the animals and not much that they can do about these animal because they don't have the power to take action against the owners or help the dog.The authorities and gov don't care about animals.

    7 AnswersDogs9 years ago