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  • What should I include in my statement of purpose?

    I am writing my statement of purpose for grad school admissions. I am applying to the same school I am currently attending for my undergrad because I have a 3 year old son and don't want to move him. When I go on to my phD he will be older and I will look to other schools then. Should I mention in my statement that one of the reasons I chose not to switch schools is because of my son? I am an anthropology major with an archaeology focus. To get a decent job a masters is a minimum and a phD is preffered. My school doesn't offer the phD, only the masters, so I would have to attend a different school anyway when I got to that level. But I am a single mother and grandma and grandpa live only an hour away, so I don't want to disrupt his life when he is so young. As he gets older and is more able to understand, then I will move. Any advice?

    3 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago
  • Origin of the phrase "fiddlesticks and nonsense"?

    Anyone know where it came from?

    8 AnswersQuotations1 decade ago
  • Archaeology or museum studies?

    I am a year away from graduating with a BS in anthro with my focus on archaeology. I am now trying to decide on graduate school. I love archaeology, but since I am a single mom of a 3 yr old, it is not practical to be an archaeologist full time. So I was considering museum work. However, I would like the option when he gets older to pursue arch. more fully. Or is museum work satisfying enough? My real question is which to get my masters in, which will make me more employable and which I'll enjoy most. Any advice is appreciated.

    5 AnswersAnthropology1 decade ago
  • I have a math question. If something is off by 5 mm, how far off would it be at a distance of 1 mile?

    Let me clarify, if I am taking a measurement and I am off by 5 mm, and that discrepency is compounded as it travels over distance, how large of a discrepency is there when it reaches 1 mile?

    7 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago