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Lv 2984 points

Derrick W

Favourite answers23%
  • Can I legally use a clip of an actor's voice in an advertisement?

    I found a clip online of Jimmy Stewart saying something in an interview that directly relates to an advertisement I am making. It is sort of a public service announcement. Would that be legal to do? I only need to use one or two sentences from the clip (voice only, no image).


  • Why is Red Box more expensive in Maryland?

    In all the Red Box ads I get, they point out that a DVD rental is about 30c more expensive in Maryland. Does anyone know why? Is it a special DVD rental tax?

    1 AnswerMovies10 years ago
  • Need a Mortgage for 20k bank wont do less than 40k. Can I...?

    I have most of the cash for the home, but am short 20k. The bank wont do mortgages for less than $40k, for what ever silly reason. Can I take out the loan for $40k and then write them a check for $20k of the money they just gave me? Or do they have rules against that sort of thing because they want to collect interest on all 40k?

    3 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • Don't ya'll love the amount of "loaded" questions in this topic?

    Everybody rust loves to pick a fight.

    This is a special thank you to those who stand above the rest, the level headed ones, the rational ones, etc. Those who seriously loving search for truth, or present the truth(as you see it) lovingly and seriously.

    Not the childish ones that answer a serious question "you're stupid" "god id dead" anything that involves the "*" character, etc.

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why Do Atheists Give Such Mean Hateful Answers?

    I noticed on here, alot of times people will ask serious questions about God, and some people just insult Christians, and make statements like "God doesnt exist" "that just proves Christianity and insanity go hand in hand" and such. Not one can prove God doesnt exist. And no one can convince me that Jesus Christ is not the savior. Trust me. People have tried. Christ has saved me from many things, And I stand today a new man from who I once was. No one can deny the change. I just wonder though, why are some Atheists so hateful? (Not ALL, I have met some really nice people who were atheist)

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago