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Lv 43,610 points

Brad J

Favourite answers50%
  • What logical fallacy is this?

    I have a red car.

    Therefore all cars are red.

    8 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago
  • If I never use all of my RAM will more be faster?

    I have a Logitech G15 keyboard which shows my CPU and RAM usage at all times. I have never once seen my RAM usage go over 75%. Does that mean that adding more RAM would be pointless?

    2 AnswersAdd-ons1 decade ago
  • Convert green LED light to another color (orange?)?

    I have a display panel that I'm trying to use, it lights up in green but that doesn't match anything else in the installation. The display resembles a green LED alarm clock.

    If I were to put an orange film in front of the green LED panel, would I see orange light, or what would happen? Is there any way to make it orange or white?

    For reference:

    (Not necessarily the same output bandwidth as my display, but I don't have that info.)

    2 AnswersPhysics1 decade ago
  • Geeks assemble! Building a new gaming rig, need opinions.?

    I'll be going up to a quad-core because my current cpu 3700 is not doing all I wish it would. I figure since I've got the money I'll go with the best.

    The phenom 9850 is in my price range and sounds great. Any other suggestions or would this be a good way to go?


    This is likely about the mobo I'll go with.

    I've got four 184pin ram sticks, the specs I don't know off hand but two of them are fairly recent OCZ gold duals. So I think I'll be okay for memory, as long as it's compatible.


    Then for graphics I'll be looking at radeon 4890, or maybe the next step down, but for now I have an x1600pro that should hold me over.

    Any suggestions, or will this be a decent setup? My PSU is 600W, should I be alright with minimal extra cards?

    4 AnswersOther - Hardware1 decade ago
  • Careers: Alternative to Medical Radiography?

    I applied for a course in Medical Radiography because I'm very interested in technology, physics, and health services, but I didn't get accepted to the course.

    Could anyone make some recommendations of similar careers that focus on those things?

    2 AnswersHealth Care1 decade ago
  • College interview. Should I follow up?

    I just went for an interview for the Medical Radiography Tech course at my local college. The interview went well, but it's competitive entry, so I want to seal the deal.

    Should I send a thank you letter to my interviewers? If so, what should it consist of in order to not be too pushy, but also impress them?

    Tips appreciated!