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Mother of 3 wonderful kids. I love my kittys. And i am busy working 2 jobs one of which is at my kids school so I get to spend more time with them.

  • My period started last Friday ended Tues then started full force on Wed morning.. Its still freaking here.?

    Im 31 & have 3 kids youngest is 5..Ive been roughly 29-30 days for 5 years now & it normally ends 5 days at most.. No pain just normal cramping. And there is NO way that I am or was pregnant. I plan on going to the Doctor just cant get there till next week..Any help would be great..Thanks

    1 AnswerWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • My daughter hit her head on the drive way & they say shes fine??!!?

    She is 5 years old.. She was climbing into the back seat like always. But this time she messed & fell backwards hitting the side of her head ont he drive way & it bounced & hit again. I took her to the ER though she cracked a bone in her foot the Cat-Scan says shes fine. I cant get it out of my head I couldn't sleep last night cause I was starring at her all night. I asked over & over if she was ok they said yes.. I guess I am over reacting but is it really possible to hit you head from 2 feet on the ground & nothing be cracked or swollen? And how do I get the image out of my head?

    7 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • My 4 1/2 year old will not poop in potty?

    She is going to be 5 in Dec. she will pee in the potty but WILL NOT poop in it. She will poop in the pull-up & even her panties but then wont tell us we wont know tell we smell it. The doctor says dont push her but my god i have bought 35 pairs of panites. Her poop still hasnt became solid yet either so it isnt the easiest thing to change. I put her on the potty & she wont even try & sits there & screams like I am killing her. I am at my wits end. My other kids were NOT like this. I am so over stressed out please anyone know what I can do or what is wrong with her????

    10 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Does anyone kniw how to get word about Disney happenings..?

    Like the Disney Channel games, or Disney movies premieres for the Orlando area. It seems everytime I hear about something its already a week to late. My daughter would love to attend any disney event but I luck out every time.

    3 AnswersOrlando1 decade ago
  • What can you do or take to not be sick all the time??

    I have kids & work so it seems I am always around someone sick. As soon as i think I am getting better boom some one else is sick & then so am I. I have tried zicam to help the colds go away faster but no such luck. Is there anything to take or do to help so I dont get everyones cold or flu?

    7 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • F.E.A.R just installed & already crashing?

    I have installed the game on my new computer & every time I try to start it the computer crashes. I meet all the required system stuff but it just crashes. This is a new computer so it has vista. Could this be the problem?

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • How soon before your period do you normally feel cramps?

    Youd think I would know given my age but by my math & my pills i should be starting in a week give or take a day & I have had cramps on & off for 3-4 days now. I know I am not pregnant for a fact no sex no baby right? So before i jump off the deep end & run to the doctor i wanted to know if this is normal.

    6 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • My mama cat meows around the house?

    She had her babies 2 1/2 months ago & never meowed like this before or during her pregnancy. This has just started a month after birth. Now I know mama cats have a meow to call the kittens but shes not doing that. She wanders the house just meowing as loud as she can. She is starting to annoy the hell out of my hubby cause its waking the kids up at night. She seems healthy, we still have the kittens & she takes great care of them. So why is she doing this allll the time?

    6 AnswersCats1 decade ago