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  • When I'm browsing YA..?

    Why do I end up on Yahoo! Answers Malaysia all the time? I'm just clicking questions and stuff and this happens all the time? What gives?

    2 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Why is ok to hang Sarah Palin in effigy but not Obama?

    I've had the photo of the Sarah Palin halloween decoration where she is being hung from a rooftop sent to me by several Obama supporters who think it is hilarious. Would they still think it was funny if it were Obama hanging from a noose instead?

    18 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Confess to them or keep it a secret?

    I have these two "friends" that were hanging out together. While they stopped at this place for some spicy food, I spotted my friend's dog waiting in the car (it's an old 70's pinto).

    I knew my other friend kept a toothbrush in his car in case his one good tooth needed emergency cleaning, and I knew the friend that owned the dog always wanted to keep the dog's mouth clean. So I fed the dog some sticky food, and then put the toothbrush out in plain site so she would see it.

    When she came out, she used the toothbrush to clean the dog's teeth and then put the toothbrush back. Later the other friend used the toothbrush I think.

    It was funny at the time, but now I feel guilty. What should I do? Confess to them or keep it a secret?

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Are the Rockets the team to beat in the West now?

    With the Rockets trading for Ron Artest, is the trio of McGrady, Ming and Artest the best in the West?

    15 AnswersBasketball1 decade ago