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can i get admission in pec university of technology?
My All India rank is 4252 in ECE stream in GATE 2013.can i get admission in mtech program in PEC university of technology?
Thanks in advance.....
3 AnswersHigher Education (University +)8 years agowhat to do if i am good in maths?
Hello guys and girls, I am an engineering graduate in Electronics and Communication. I have strong interest in mathematics and want to do achieve some more in this field. I am good in doing maths. So can u people suggest me some course or something else by which i can make full utilization of my ability and realize my dream.
Also if somebody know about what an actuary does and how to become an actuary, please mention it.
Thanks in advance
3 AnswersMathematics9 years agoabout LM3914N for driving LEDs?
signal input to LM3914N is analog or digital??
and what about its signal at the output(analog/digital) i.e from pin1 and pin10-18, pins that can be connected to LEDs?
Thanks in advance....
2 AnswersEngineering9 years ago