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Who are your favorite Wrestling section users?

Tried to amp things up for the last days with a bunch of questions, but I noticed the WS is pretty much in a coma at this point though. I enjoyed the days where I participated the most, and the ones still around right now like Candle, and I'm sure Stiff Dragon and Adam are from back when I participated more but have changed their names.

Donovan T, The Dragon, King Kjors, Ms. Lol, Amie C, Georgia Athens, Candle, MN Heat, Amdrag...I'm going to miss some names and I feel bad for that. 

But I think it's time to say goodbye to the wrestling section, it was fun while it lasted at least when it was really active. But what do you think about it?

Did you think it had it's great times? ..who were your favorites?

2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    2 weeks ago

    I also liked Candle and The Dragon.  I'll also say I miss Dave Hytmen, (Even though he is a troll).  I'm really trying to get everyone in the Wrestling Section to move to MeWe though.  That way, we can still keep in touch with one another and it has a chat feature.  

  • 2 weeks ago

    I never used it. I trolled for years and hardly saw anything in wrestling 

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