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do you think I'll get held back?

here is the story:

I didn't finish 8th grade cause school got cancelled and I couldn't do online school like the other kids cause our family didn't have internet back then, then when 9th grade started we got internet so I could do school, so I tried the first month but I could barely understand anything cause I didn't finish 8th grade and my grades were really bad, since October I haven't done anything threw MY school, but I have been taking other online classes to try to catch up, so I re-took 8th grade online because I forgot everything over the summer so I just re-took the whole grade, a few months ago I finish 8th grade through online courses, now I'm doing 9th grade I just finished learning algebra now I just have ELA and chemistry to finish learning, hopefully I will finish learning them by the end of May so I can use the last weeks of school to turn everything in at my REAL school and prove I don't need to get held back cause I know this stuff, 

I just been learning Algebra, ELA, and Chemistry but I wasn't doing the electives, I know electives can be very educational but are they THAT important? I don't care if I have to retake my electives but I definitely do not wanna retake Alg,ela,&chem, also the school nor my mom knows that I've been taking online classes but I'm planning on telling them around the end of May, I was keeping it a secret from my mom cause she is a boomer and doesn't understand how the internet works so she thinks online classes are bad


also if you were wondering my school doesn't teach history for 9th grade it's just for 10th grade and up

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