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How much pressure will the jury have to convict Derek Chauvin?
25 Answers
- Anonymous2 weeks ago
No pressure at all. The pressure is all on Derek Chauvin. . The jurists didn’t kill anybody, he did. Whatever verdict they render, they will render it because they think they’re doing the right thing . They will take their job seriously and render a verdict that they feel is based upon reason and logic. Not emotion. Because that’s what they’re supposed to be doing. That’s what they’ve been told to do. That’s why they were chosen to be on the jury in the first place.On the other hand, Derek Chauvin never worried at all about being fair, objective and “doing what is right and just”. Because psychopaths usually don’t sweat that kind of stuff. They just enjoy giving in to their primitive impulses. 😂😂😂
- Anonymous2 weeks ago
If he's not found guilty, rioters will basically turn Earth into hell, and it will be blamed on the peaceful protestors.
- Anonymous2 weeks ago
Our cities will be burned to the ground if he's not found guilty.
- The First DragonLv 72 weeks ago
Extreme pressure. The Media are biased toward conviction, members of Congress have urged "confrontation," there are crowds outside the Court demanding a conviction.
Aside from that, they know that if they don't convict Chauvin, rioters will murder random civilians across the nation. Unlike in the OJ trial though, there is no guarantee that the right verdict will prevent the riots and murders. There will be violence either way.
- Anonymous2 weeks ago
People who are scared have already been excused. These jurors want to do this. That's a type of personality who might defy public pressure and do something controversial.
- 2 weeks ago
Maxine Waters's latest 60's style stunt may very well cause Chauvin to have grounds for appeal if convicted.
- Anonymous2 weeks ago
Apply a generous amount of pressure
- MercuriLv 72 weeks ago
Given the damming evidence against him, quite a bit. As they say, the evidence speaks for itself.