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Anonymous asked in Food & DrinkOther - Food & Drink · 2 weeks ago

Good smoothie or wrong mix? ?

Certain fruit and veg should be combined but there are so many varieties of smoothies thst I've tried to make a mixture. Anyone who knows about the best choice with examples and the nutritional benefits will get full star best answer.

My combination: cucumber, granny smith apple, kiwi, carrot, lemon, beetroot turmeric, filtered water. 


2 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 6
    2 weeks ago

    Every morning I have a smoothie that contains carrot celery apple, asparagus apple juice a strawberry a small handful of blueberries, a large spoon full of precooked and chilled oatmeal, some power greens and vanilla yogurt. I started adding the oatmeal to the smoothie when my Dr. said my cholesterol was getting high. It went from 168 down to 143 in a short time. I cook a small pot of plain oats and keep it covered in the frige and add some everyday . I buy the asparagus when it is on sale and steam it and freeze it on a sheet pan. Then I put all the individual frozen little spears into a freezer bag and use them a couple at a time. Same with the strawberries.

  • Anonymous
    2 weeks ago


    Occasionally, I do asparagus and lemon. 

    Its good for heart and artery health. 

    Then I add garlic and onions. 

    Dont attempt to do this unless you boil the asparagus, lemon, garlic and onions together for 5 minutes.

    It burns when you go natural.

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