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Against the rules to compare Biden to 1984, why?
5 Answers
- 2 weeks ago
Ray S, guess you don’t watch the news or read the democrat’s talking points, all they give us is doublespeak
- Ray SLv 72 weeks ago
Not sure what you're trying to get at. But, the cultish behavior of Trump supporters, their willingness to believe "alternative" facts, and the drive of the Republican Party to control moral behavior and force its morality on society is far and away much more the behavior needed to create a George Orwellian 1984 reality than Biden or the Democratic Party would ever consider or attempt to create.
- SandyLv 72 weeks ago
he had some sense 40 years ago. sometimes he even sounded like a conservative and an American.
- ?Lv 72 weeks ago
This is now. And we are all human. I think. So far nothing was ever so severe as what we experienced with this past administration that could alter the state of Joe Biden's world. So if it don't rile you none, maybe we can at least hurry back to the nineties. Please.
- Anonymous2 weeks ago
This is 2021, not 1984.