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Lv 5
Gonzo asked in HealthMen's Health · 2 weeks ago

If I don't ejaculate when I orgasm should I see a Physician/Urologist?

Ever since I had kidney stone I have had dry orgasms when I masturbate (no semen coming out of my penis). I figure I should see a doctor soon. Last 3 times I masturbated they were dry (no semen coming out). I spaced my sessions out a few days apart even a week apart in one instance. Anybody know what's going on?

3 Answers

  • ron h
    Lv 7
    2 weeks ago

    How did they deal with the kidney stone?  Surgery? Lithotripter or meds?  If you've only jacked off 3 times since whatever they did to the stone,  I'd wait a couple of more weeks and then call the urologist.  And check the "after care" info that you should have gotten.  It MAY say something about dry orgasms for a while.   And Big Kahuna's got a good thought. Look up side effects of any med's you're taking. 

  • 2 weeks ago

    If you were prescribed Flomax,it can have that effect.Otherwise,yeah,see a doc.

  • 2 weeks ago

    See a doc. There is a blockage somewhere.

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