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is it a good time to get a new car?

right now I have had this used car for 2years. recently I have been feeling unsave driving it because for the past couple of months i had to take it into the shop. something was always wrong with the car and I have grown tired of spending so much money on getting it fixed "temporarily". any ways, I have 19,600 left to pay off this car, my credit is 615, and a car I am looking at is around 22,000. I am thinking about putting 2,000 down. financially, would I be able to get a new car? comparing my credit, how much I still owe and how much the new car is. would do you think?


want to mention that my car has around 56,000 miles if thats important info

5 Answers

  • 2 weeks ago

    No. Frakking. Way.

    As long as you owe almost $20K on your current car, you will NOT qualify for another car loan or $20K+.

    You should have done your homework before you bought your current grossly overpriced lemon.

  • 2 weeks ago

    NO CUZ U OWE A BUNCH of money on the current car..

  • Anonymous
    2 weeks ago

    You can buy many brand new cars for less than what you still owe on that used car.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 weeks ago

    You will be burying yourself in more debt. A car with only 56,000 miles should not be in bad shape.

  • 3 weeks ago

    No it's not a good time. Wait for some time like 5 years, you'll get self driving cars in the market. 

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