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is there a handicapped drivers license for disabled yes no if so what rules will apply for driver?

Please tell me ok I’m disabled

4 Answers

  • 3 weeks ago

    Blind people get to park the closest, so that's your best bet. 

    Attachment image
  • Anonymous
    3 weeks ago

    Yes.  The rules are identical to non handicapped drivers.  The only difference is parking spaces. Other than that you have to prove to be fully capable of driving a car correctly.

  • 3 weeks ago

    Millions of disabled people are licensed to drive. 

    But whether they need a special licence category depends upon the laws in whichever place you live. 

    Here in the UK disabled people do not need a special licence, but if their disabilities mean that they must use an automatic transmission then like any UK driver who passes their test on an automatic, their licence limits them only to automatic transmission cars.

    Disabled drivers in the UK may be required to attend a special assessment centre to determine whether their disabilities would prevent them from being able to operate a car safely. Those centres are also able to suggest which vehicle modifications may be required.

  • 3 weeks ago

    You state DMV can tell you that, except the office is closed right now. Call your local Highway Patrol office and ask them. They know, since they have to enforce all rules of the road. They'd rather tell you, than chase you down for for a violation.

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