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Anonymous asked in TravelUnited StatesOther - United States · 4 weeks ago

Should I move out?

I’m female 24 years old and a nurse. I’ve had this job for 2 years but I’m still living with my mom. Hospital is 15 miles and It takes me 20 mins freeway driving to get to work 

4 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 6
    3 weeks ago

    Are there any problems with your mother?  If not, stay there and save as much as you can to eventually buy your own house.

  • drip
    Lv 7
    3 weeks ago

    Really.  not enough info. 

    Do you enjoy living with your mom? No issues. It is close to work. I would stay and save up some money.

    Nursing pays well you could get into a house with a decent down payment. 

  • 4 weeks ago

    I'm not sure what your current distance to work has to do with you moving out or not unless you're suggesting that it's too far or that you won't be able to find anything close enough.  What you should be looking at is the fact that you're 24 and still living at home.  Unless you are helping support or taking care of your mother, then get out either on your own or with a roommate.  It's an important part of becoming your own person and knowing how to live.  The other option is to live like it's 1950 and go directly from living with your parents to with a man who supports you.

  • 4 weeks ago

    If you can afford to, and want to - then great 

    If you're happy where you are ;then there's no immediate need / hurry.

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