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Fact Checker say Biden’s claim no Covid vaccine existed when he came into office a mixture. Clearly incorrect. Why trust fact checkers?
Truthseeker, A vaccine did exist and it was sent out as quickly as produced. What would you say if there were stock piles. To plagiarize, C’mon man
8 Answers
- ?Lv 54 weeks ago
Depends on whether or not they REALLY do have the FACTS...
Of course a person can have all the FACTS but no evidence to support those because someone has come along and destroyed them but doing so does make whatever it is any less TRUE...
- SusieLv 74 weeks ago
Truth seeker said: The former president “should have had a stockpile”. Just how ignorant are libs? We were getting them as quickly as they could be manufactured. Along with everyone else in the world. AS WE DIDN'T HAVE ANY COVID VACCINES BEFORE. What does it take to get a lib to use common sense.
- RandomCanyonLv 54 weeks ago
YA Troll says something without providing any link or proof.
Same as it ever was.
- 4 weeks ago
Anonymous, not fake but they way liberals are sue happy, I choose not to list the source. Even though the truth is the best defense it is not worth putting the name in the question. Should not overly put extra stress; to find the source.
- ?Lv 74 weeks ago
There were no vaccine stockpiles. Nothing false about it. Would not expect anything the former president said, he did not believe in the virus. Why should he have a stockpile.
- Anonymous4 weeks ago