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Why can’t I play video games anymore ?
I use to zone out and waste countless hours if I try to play games I get bored after 30 minutes.. what is wrong with me
23 Answers
- ?Lv 73 weeks ago
get other activities and mix it up. then come back to it and chill. i go for runs when it's not raining. read books. watch movies. i even play a musical instrument too. take up a new hobby.
maybe do some volunteer work in your area where it's safe and wear a mask. focus on helping others.
get a part time job if you're in school. make some money and earn some responsibility.
- Green PuffinLv 73 weeks ago
Gaming for hours and hours isn't satisfying, unless your hitched to a Mic and your real friends are playing alongside you. Perhaps to train your brain to have a longer attention span, find a book that's riveting enough to hold your imagination. I'm re reading Game of Thrones, the books are as great, if not better than the TV version!
Get outside, go for a walk or cycle ride, slow down everything, including slow eating and appreciate the simple things. I can only game in between, work, house chores, cooking dinner and interacting with my family members!
- Suzy Suzee SueLv 63 weeks ago
Maybe you've outgrown gaming or you're bored with that particular game?
You probably lack exercise and simple outdoor fun that's all. Get out and get some fresh air and walk in the park, that usually helps me to feel better.
- 4 weeks ago
Try the older consoles. They have a huge library and there's something really satisfying about playing all the games you could not afford as a kid.
- 4 weeks ago
Rather vague question.
What do you own?
I jump between games/consoles/handhelds as needed.
- El Nerdo LocoLv 74 weeks ago
How stressed or tired are you? The reason I ask is, I work construction so I'm contract to contract. That means sometimes I'm working 7/10s for a month at a time, sometimes I'm collecting unemployment. And when I'm doing the 7/10s thing, not only do I simply not have time for games then, it takes me a week or so after that ends before I find them enjoyable again. Turns out I only really enjoy something purely leisure like that when I'm feeling good and I'm not worrying about much anymore. Otherwise, I'm stuck in the mindset I need to be doing something else with this free time I previously had so little of.